Hi,This is my official blog.Hope you all have fun.

Tuesday 29 November 2011

Falling In love.

I wish Falling in Love has traffic lights too,so that I would know if I should GO for it,SLOW DOWN, or STOP.It's sucks when you miss that person so much that you look through old photos,old text messages,even old statuses and it brings a smile to your face but then the hurt comes back and you know you shouldn't looking back.But you can't help it because they really meant something to you and you thought it would last.Isn't it strange how LOVE can be the happiest thing ever,but also cause the most pain? And yet,everyone keep searching for it.

Lot of Love 2012

Only two months left to enter the year 2012 ..Yeah.. I am ready to start it all again.Go to school, Tuition, Homeworks, New Teachers, and my new friend, Books! urgh..Although I hate it actually.But when we think about it again..school is a very wonderful place.Got freak friends,annoying teachers,laughters,angry,annoyed, and whatever else.. =..='.Accept it! It's part of your life! If you don't want and lose it all, you will feel the emptiness and you will miss it.Okay! back to our topic.heheh 2012..I am ready to start a new life with new vigor and for all of you who read this blog, I wish you hope in 2012 was an exciting year.

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Yeah,Saya dah ada blog..Bangga gilaaa :)

Hi,saya Farah Nurain Ishak..Hari ni saya happy gila sebab saya dah ada blog.Oklah saya tak tau nak cakap apa lagi.. Byee :)